Saturday, November 26, 2011

This week

I have just analyzed all the data for this week and I am frustrated with the fact that the directions given are not accurate on the assignment.  I specifically asked on the web conference where to find the quartiles and it was not in Appendix F.  I digress!  
I am having trouble with the whole logs and reflections, as Lamar has changed the format.  In my first class, we did not discuss the embedded log or the reflections.  I had started them this week and posted to TK20 and then it was changed again.  I have just decided to go with the form I have just been given and then if they change it again, I will update it then!
I am meeting with my site supervisor this week or next to discuss some things I am wanting to change on my internship plan.  I will check out what I can and cannot possibly do!  
Have a good week and it is my intent to not vent on here anymore! I apologize!  :-)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Research project

Well, my project was changed for me. I have spent about 24 hours on research for vertical alignment and now my principal cancels vertical alignment meetings. I can do it on my own if I want to, but then I have to find the teachers that would like to participate with the research. I am now thinking of tracking the discipline from elementary to middle school for our most troubled kids. If they were having issues on our campus, what happened in Middle School. This year we have a set discipline plan in place this year and watch to see if there is a change in the number of referrals, etc.
UGGGH So Tired of changes. Our campus cannot follow anything to completion. If a few people complain, then it is changed. It is so frustrating. It does not work in 1 meeting that we did not have time to prepare for.
Oh well, onward and upward.