Thursday, September 22, 2011


I can't believe I have almost survived the research class! It seems like a lot of work, but so very worth it. I knew this would be tough while teaching 50 5th graders, but it is helping me focus on my teaching as well. I realize that I have be "doing" action research in my classroom for a long time.
I have had many, many great mentors! it is the beginning of a long journey that I hope never ends! I know that I will hit snags in the road and it will become difficult at times, but right now I am ready to lead my first vertical alignment meeting and be done with it!

Have a great week all! I am working on the last assignment tonight and Saturday and I submit on Sunday morning after I proof read it, has worked so far!
See some of you in school law and I am so excited it is Dr. Abshire again!

Peace to all!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Action Research plan

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

interactive Science/Math Notebooks

We used the science notebooks and modified it to math. When we have foldables, they go on their side.  The kids are doing very well with them.  They are more willing to do my side because I give them a few minutes to respond to the other information.
If you type in Interactive Math Notebooks you will find it in Google.  Let me know if anybody needs more information.