Saturday, September 10, 2011

Action Research plan

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  1. I love your idea and the elements of your plan but it is a little hard to read. You might want to take out some of the extra cells that are blank. Also, what are you going to use to measure the element of depth and complexity of the instruction? What I mean is what research are you going to use to see what this is supposed to look like? Your plan tells us how you will measure it using qualitative data like observations and notes but I think you might want to include an element of what you will use as your baseline for your observations. A colleague of ours Becky Barlow gave me this resource on my blog: Response to Intervention in Math by Paul Riccomini and Bradley Witzel. I researched it and ordered the book. It is very detailed and seems like it will be powerful for my research. Since your topic shares some similar elements as mine, I thought you might find it helpful. Keep up the great work!

  2. I think it is because of posting online. On my original it does not look like that??? I don't know where the extra lines came from. I am going to attach the original here so you can see it better.
    Thanks for the book info, I will be looking into ordering that on payday ;-)
    I was having trouble with the measurabilty of the Tier I element. I was mostly relying on my AP/P observervations. But I like the idea of the book to assist.
